May 21, 2012

Question # 4

As I said, things would cool down 
So i apologize for missing this question
Would you like more story line and lore in LoL?
I personally don't feel connected to their lore as I should be,
They need to explain it better IN GAME for some people
I want the details!
How about you?

Summer in the Air

In certain areas summer has begun. 
Enjoy it while you can.
And play a lot of League of Legends ;]
Good Luck out there,
Jordan Vinson

May 8, 2012

LoL Updates

I was just wondering what kind of League of Legends updates anyone might have heard.
If you hear a rumor of some sort of fantastic update coming soon
be sure to tell us, so we can look into it.
Good Luck out there,
Jordan Vinson

May 2, 2012

Calming Down

The blog is going to calm down for a bit. Ryan is not going to be posting for 6 weeks, and that makes me the lead blogger until he returns. 
I will still try to post at least 4 times a week, but until he is back things might go slowly. 
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Good luck out there,
Jordan Vinson