April 16, 2012

Motivational Speech for Twitch (sort of)

  Imagine you are Twitch and the last champion alive. Your team has about a minute until they spawn, And both nexus' are exposed. The enemy is in your base and you are in their base. Your nexus is taking hit after hit. You're damaging their nexus at about the same rate as their damaging yours. But just one problem, An enemy champion is on its way to kill you. You slam on your ultimate and Start firing through the nexus at double damage. You happen to get lucky and as the enemy champion is heading towards you he is killed. You keep attacking the nexus at increased damage and you barely win the match, because if you would have took just a second longer, you would have surely lost.
Good Luck out there,
Jordan Vinson

A little about me, Lots about you

Welcome Summoners,
    As you all may know, I have recently became an administrator of our blog. Aside from that, I welcome you and wish you the best of luck on the Fields of Justice. I have played LoL for awhile and have become well rounded with junglers, melee fighters, and tanks. My go-to guy is Warwick, but I also play as Amumu, Nautilus, Volibear, and Jarvan IV. But enough about me, lets hear about you guys, our loyal bloggers. I'd like to hear about your favorite champs, builds for them, masteries for them, runes for them, and basically the whole nine yards. So if you want to talk about champs, I'll be on everyday, I'm always up for a good chat.

                                                  May the odds be ever in your favor
                                                                           "Hunger Games"
                                                                                                                                         - Noah Richards

Riot Points?

Hey guys, 
I just wanted to know what you guys think of Riot Points
Are they good?
Are they Bad?
And what do you think about the players who use them?
I personally don't use Riot Points but if I did, 
I would only use them  for the skins
Good Luck out there,
Jordan Vinson

What Character Should I Get Next?

As the title said
Who Should I buy next?
Personally I was thinking Riven,
but i'm not sure.
Just leave a comment if you think of a character.
Good Luck out there,
Jordan Vinson